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                                Technical Quiz
Do you want to test your technical ability?
Are you in time for your answer?
Here is a platform to know where you are.........
This quiz not only tests the clarity of basic concepts in chemical engineering and chemistry but also the analytical skills and logical reasoning skills essential for an engineer to analyze a problem critically and get quick solutions. You could expect many new types of questions this time. This edition will feature a whole array of stimulating new rounds and questions. Do come and test your mettle here and attempt to get crowned champions of quizzing, or simply witness the coronation. You are sure to learn tons of interesting facts.
Be Prepared surely you can win exciting prizes! Lots of Prizes for the audience too! EVENT FORMAT Team will comprise of 2 members. Elimination round will consist of a written test comprising of mainly Multiple Choice Questions on civil engineering basics. 5 teams will be selected for the Final Round. Final round will consist of 5-6 rounds like buzzer round, Risk round, rapid fire etc. Some rounds will involve audience participation as well. Prizes for the audience will be given on the spot.
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