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Poster Presentation

“Best representation is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together.”


"A Sketch speaks more than a thousand words".


                                                 A poster is a measure of our ability to give concrete shape to an idea. Graphically expressing your idea is one of the best ways to explain something to your sub-ordinates. Here is the platform for you to express yourself. It is an event that gives wings to the stupendous power of imagination of the human mind.

                                                      The aim of this event is to stimulate the quest for knowledge by way of testing the innovative, creative and presentation skills of the participants through their posters. The sky is no more the limit for there is no idea too wild, and no frontier too far for man to cross. All it takes is an ounce of vision and creativity




1) Determine the one essential concept you would like to get across to the audience. Determine the size of the poster. Common dimensions for posters are 42 x 42 inches, 42 x 48 inches, or 42 x 52 inches.

2) A poster should use photos, figures, and tables to tell the story of the study. For clarity, present the information in a sequence that is easy to follow:

  •  Determine a logical sequence for the material you will be presenting.

  •  Organize that material into sections, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, &, if necessary, Literature Cited. (Avoid using too many citations. If only a few are used, a literature cited section is unnecessary. Instead, cite as follows in the text: Clinton, B. 1993. Auk 107:234-246.).

  • You may wish to use numbers to help sequence sections of the poster.

  •  Arrange the material into columns.

  • The poster should not rely upon your verbal explanation to link together the various portions.

3. Look critically at the layout. Some poster 'experts' suggest that if there is about 20-25% text, 40-45% graphics and 30-40% empty space, you are doing well.

4. Delete all redundant references and filler phrases. An abstract may not be necessary. If you've kept the amount of text on your poster to a minimum, an abstract is likely redundant.

5. Posters can be generated and printed as one large document using a variety of software packages such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, or Canvas. Large-format printers come in various sizes.

6. Posters should bring in the form of Flexi or your wish to present in the Symposium.

7.The Registration fee Will Be same as that of for Paper Presentations.

8. The poster is not a publication of record, so excessive detail about methods, or vast tables of data are not necessary. Such material can be discussed with interested persons individually during or after the session, or presented in a handout.  

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